Will you join the dark side, or find the light?

Monday, April 16, 2007

Exclamation Point Update

If you've been following my posts from the beginning, you know of the exclamation point that I believe has been following me. Well my friends, I'm afraid that the situation has gotten worse.

As it turns out, a family of exclamation points has moved into my neighborhood. Let me reiterate that I don't think ALL exclamation points are a bad form of punctuation, but I can tell that this group is trouble. At all hours of the night I'm hearing people scream "Yea!" and "Woohoo!" The noise and partying is out of control.

Two days ago, I'm out for a walk and I pass by their place. On the porch sits a big loud group of exclamation points, and with them now is a big group of those upside down exclamation points; fresh over from whatever the hell country they're from. You know, I try to be cool with everyone, but if these things are gonna swim over here and take jobs away from question marks, commas, and good God fearing periods then the least they could do is turn themselves right side up. This is America. And you know, at least American exclamation points know that their place is at the back of a sentence. These foreign upside down exclamation points are trying to come in at the front! My grandfather is probably rolling over in his grave.

One more thing. That shady exclamation point that I mentioned on March 27th still seems to be following me. Please keep an eye on me until things settle down here.

yours truly,


1 comment:

Eric Wallack said...

maybe he wants your autograph?